Saffron Golden Milk

Traditional turmeric milk, often called "golden milk," is a cornerstone of Ayurvedic healing. This warm and comforting beverage combines the benefits of turmeric with milk, creating a potent remedy for various health concerns. In Ayurveda, turmeric milk isn't just a soothing drink; it's a powerful tool for restoring balance and vitality. 

In this recipes, we have also added Saffron, often referred to as the "golden spice" and Kesar in Hindi. Saffron is one of the most prized spices in traditional Indian medicine. Renowned for its rich color and distinctive aroma, saffron has been used for centuries in Ayurveda not only for its culinary value but also for its therapeutic properties. Although it is an expensive spice, the health benefits it offers make it a valuable asset in Ayurvedic practices. 

This is why we included it in our Sacred Haridra Lipsomal Turmeric supplement.

Benefits of Saffron Golden Milk

1. Harmonizing the Doshas

Ayurveda teaches that health is rooted in the balance of the three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Saffron Golden Milk is particularly effective in balancing Vata and Kapha doshas. Vata, associated with coldness and movement, and Kapha, linked to heaviness and stability, can both be pacified by the warming and stimulating properties of turmeric milk.

2. Promoting Relaxation and Sleep

For those who struggle with restlessness or insomnia, Saffron Golden Milk is a traditional Ayurvedic remedy. The combination of warm milk, turmeric and saffron has a calming effect on the nervous system, helping to ease tension and promote restful sleep. This practice is particularly beneficial for balancing Vata dosha, which is often responsible for sleep disturbances.

3. Relieving Joint and Muscle Discomfort

Turmeric is well-known for its anti-inflammatory effects, which are especially beneficial for joint and muscle health. In Ayurvedic practice, turmeric milk is often used to alleviate discomfort from conditions such as arthritis and muscle soreness. By reducing inflammation and improving circulation, this golden drink supports joint flexibility and muscle recovery.

4. Enhancing Emotional Health

Curcumin in turmeric is known for its ability to improve cognitive function and mood. Saffron is known in Ayurveda for its mood-enhancing qualities. It is often used to uplift the spirit, reduce anxiety, and alleviate symptoms of depression.  From an Ayurvedic perspective, Saffron Golden Milk can help balance the mind, reduce stress, and promote emotional stability. By supporting mental clarity and easing anxiety, it becomes an excellent choice for those seeking to maintain a balanced and peaceful state of mind. 

5. Supporting Reproductive Functions

In Ayurvedic tradition, saffron is considered a rejuvenating herb for reproductive health. It is commonly used to boost fertility, improve libido, and regulate menstrual cycles. Saffron is believed to enhance ojas—the vital essence responsible for vitality and vigor—thereby supporting reproductive strength and balance.

6. Aiding Digestive Health

Ayurveda views digestion as the foundation of health. Saffron Golden Milk aids digestion by stimulating *agni*, the digestive fire, which is crucial for proper food metabolism and nutrient absorption. Its soothing effects on the gastrointestinal tract make it a remedy for common digestive issues like bloating and indigestion, helping maintain a healthy digestive system and overall vitality.

7. Enhancing Skin Radiance

Ayurveda has long recognized saffron and turmeric's ability to improve skin health. Consuming Saffron Golden Milk can help purify the blood and support clear, radiant skin. Saffron and turmeric are often used in Ayurvedic skincare routines to improve skin tone, reduce blemishes, and promote a glowing, radiant appearance.

8. Strengthening Immunity

Both Saffron and Turmeric are recognized for their role in boosting the immune system. Their antioxidant properties help protect the body from free radicals and support the immune system's natural defenses. In addition, turmeric's key component, curcumin, possesses potent anti-inflammatory abilities. Regular consumption of saffron and turmeric can help fortify the body against illness and support overall health.

9. Supporting Respiratory Function

Saffron Golden Milk is also recommended for maintaining respiratory health, particularly in the face of seasonal changes. Its warming properties help clear respiratory passages and reduce mucus, making it a valuable remedy for colds, coughs, and even conditions like asthma. Ayurveda often suggests turmeric milk during times of respiratory imbalance to support clear breathing and overall lung health.

10. Facilitating Detoxification

Detoxification is a key principle in Ayurveda, and turmeric milk plays a role in this process by helping to eliminate toxins from the body. Regular consumption of this golden drink supports the liver’s detoxifying functions and helps cleanse the blood, contributing to overall vitality and mental clarity.

11. Aiding in Weight Management

Ayurveda also suggests turmeric for its metabolism-boosting properties, which can assist with weight management. By improving digestion and reducing inflammation, Saffron Golden Milk helps the body process food more efficiently, making it a supportive tool for those looking to maintain a healthy weight.

How to make Saffron Golden Milk

Creating Saffron Turmeric Milk at home is simple and adaptable to your preferences. Here’s a basic recipe:


  • 3/4 - 1 cup whole milk or coconut*
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/4 - 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon**
  • 6-8 saffron threads
  • 3 black peppercorns
  • Honey or other sweetener of choice to taste
  • Rice grain size Authentic Shilajit***


  1. Heat a small saucepan over medium-high heat. Add in milk and water and bring to a simmer.
  2. Next, add in turmeric, cinnamon, black peppercorns and saffron. Whisk to combine.
  3. Cover with a lid halfway, allowing some steam to release.
  4. Simmer for 5-7 minutes, stirring a few times
  5. Remove from heat and strain into mug.
  6. Stir in honey and Authentic Shilajit. Enjoy!

*If using almond milk or a lower fat milk, add a tsp of ghee or coconut oil after straining. Fat is important to aiding in the absorption of the turmeric.

**You can also add ginger and cardamom

***Adding Authentic Shilajit to this recipe further helps in the absorption of the vital nutrients from the turmeric and saffron, as well as adding a dose of essential trace minerals.

Looking for an easier way to get the benefits of turmeric and saffron? Check out our Sacred Harida - Liposomal Turmeric supplement, in a convenient capsule form.