Pure Shilajit Resources
What is shilajit? What are its many advantages of shilajit? Is shilajit safe? If you are asking yourself any of these questions you are in the right place. We seek to share shilajit's rich history as well as what modern science has to say about it.What is shilajit in traditional wellness?

What does modern research say about shilajit?
Modern scientific research has systematically validated a number of properties of shilajit. Analysis has shown it to consist of a complex mixture of organic humic substances and plant and microbial metabolites occurring in the rock rhizospheres of its natural habitat. The natural phytocomplex known as shilajit also possesses anti-oxidant properties (Ghosal et al., 1995; Bhattacharya et al., 1995). The biological effects of shilajit have been ascribed to two distinct classes of compounds. The low molecular weight bioactive organic compounds, such as oxygenated dibenzo-α-pyrones, act as the active substances, and medium molecular weight fulvic and humic acids act as carrier molecules for in vivo transportation of these bioactive molecules (Agarwal, Aqil, & Anwer, 2007; Agarwal, Khanna, Karmarkar, Anwer, & Khar, 2007).Fulvic acid and humic acid have a microporous structure. Fulvic and humic acid are thus capable of forming complexes with nonpolar solutes and molecules with low bioavailability (Agarwal, Khanna, Karmarkar, Anwer, & Khar, in press). These molecules can be entrapped in the void so as to increase their solubility and dissolution rate, thereby enhancing their bioavailability (Ghosal, 2003; Khanna, 2006).
What is shilajit in ancient texts?
The Charaka Samhita (5000 year old Ayurvedic text) discusses shilajit in a chapter on rejuvenation therapy (rasayana). It has been proposed that the modern equivalent of a rasayana is an adaptogenic substance. (Ghosal 1998).
The Charaka Samhita states that there is no imbalance in the universe, which is not effectively helped by shilajit when it is administered at the appropriate time, in combination with suitable herbs and by adopting the prescribed method. When administered to a healthy person, with similar conditions it produces immense energy.
In the Sushruta Samhita, it is noted that there is no imbalance, which does not yield to shilajit’s highly beneficial virtues. When gradually taken, (in adequate amounts) it tends to improve the strength and complexion of the body. These shilajit health benefits are echoed in the Astanga Hrdayam which also states that shilajit is the best rejuvenator.
Shilajit Safety and Purity: Laboratory Tests
The source, purification method, grade and form of shilajit are all very important factors to ensure safety and authenticity. Real shilajit is a legendary and very expensive commodity in India, and as a result the market is full of low grade imitations and even genuine shilajit is often cut and contaminated with fillers. There is a very real concern about heavy metal contamination of shilajit products.
Many of the dry powder forms of shilajit have tested for high levels of heavy metal contamination. We have been warning people about these "shilajit" powders for years on our website. Many of these powders were banned in Canada (Health Canada Report). In truth, most of these powders are not even made out of real shilajit but instead produced from solvent extracted soil mixed with the same fulvic acid used in fertilizer.
Our genuine and Authentic Shilajit is a natural resin that is plant based and not made from rocks and dirt. It is found veined within rocks but is carefully purified so that no sediment or rock remains. We follow the traditional Tibetan form of purification which uses only pure, clean spring water, the sun, and in the final process, heating to ensure all possible microbes are removed. This purification process yields an ultra pure shilajit resin that is safe and free from contaminants.
Our Tests
We test each and every batch of shilajit at an American, FDA registered, cGMP certified, independent, third party laboratory here in California. Our specifications for testing are California Prop 65 standards which are the most rigid and strict regulations in the world for naturally occurring heavy metals. In fact, California Prop 65 limits are so tough that fruits, vegetables and drinking water were made exempt from testing because they cannot possibly pass.
For example, Spinach contains approximately 5 micrograms (mcg) of lead in an average serving which is is about 10 times the levels allowed by Prop 65. Green beans, on average, contain approximately 28 mcg of lead in a 1 cup serving, which is about 50 times the levels allowed by Prop 65.
The FDA’s publication Total Diet Study Statistics on Element Results (December 11, 2007), which analyzes 200 foods found in grocery stores four times per year, showed the following examples of lead content at 4 oz serving sizes: Mixed nuts 10.2 mcg, Brussel Sprouts 7.9 mcg, Sweet Potato 7.2 mcg, Avocado 4.5 mcg, Cucumber 3.4 mcg, Granola 3.0 mcg. The FDA limit for lead exposure of non-child-bearing adults is 75 micrograms per day. In our most recent tests (December 2017), our shilajit showed minute trace levels of 0.065 micrograms of lead per 500mg serving. Our recommended serving size is 100mg to 300mg. CLICK HERE for the most recent tests of our current batch. The “specifications" are California Prop 65 limits and the “results” are our shilajit. Our results are far below the limits set forth by California Prop 65.For a copy of our microbiological tests click here.
These levels are not only safe, they are far below the levels in many of the vegetables you eat on a daily basis.
Our customers can rest assured that our shilajit is very safe, pure and effective.